Communities are the key to the
Great Commission!

“Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues,
preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every
disease among the people.”
                                                             (Matthew 9:35 – NKJV)
The key to ministering and fulfilling the Great Commission world-wide is being able
to minister and fulfil it in a community.

I will give you four reasons for why I say this.

First, if the church were to literally preach the gospel to every person in the world
and disciple every believer, it would naturally preach the gospel to every person
and disciple every believer in each community in the world. It is just a mathematical
fact. Therefore, to be able to minister and fulfil the Great Commission world-wide,
we have to be able to do it in a community.

Second, if you cannot minister and fulfil the Great Commission in a community you
will never do it world-wide since to do it world-wide means that you will also do it in
every community.

Third, if the church can figure out how to minister and fulfil it in one community it
will find the way to do it world-wide. All it needs to do is duplicate what it does in
that one community, in every community of the world. If it does that, for a fact, it
would virtually preach the gospel to everyone in the world and disciple all believers.

Fourth, if you study the life of Christ and the New Testament Church you will see
that they took the gospel to communities. It was not specific areas or people in a
community that they took the gospel to (though the church did first go to the Jews
then to the Gentiles when it first entered communities), it was communities as a
whole that they took the gospel to.

Truly communities are the key to ministering and fulfilling the Great Commission

Count this as truth: To minister and fulfil the Great Commission world-wide we
have to be able to do it in a community. If we can’t do it in a community we will
never do it world-wide, but if we find the way to do it in a community we will also
find the way to do it world-wide – simply duplicate what we do in one community, in
every community of the world.
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