My God: the biggest, the best,
the most!

“For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and
                                                      (Deuteronomy 10:17 – NKJV)
You may have heard of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Acts 3:13). You
may also have heard of the God of David (Isaiah 38:5) or the God of Daniel
(Daniel 6:26). I’m sure you’ve heard of the God of the Lord Jesus Christ
(Ephesians 1:17). Well now let me tell you about the God of Wayne. He’s the God
of the Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Daniel, and Jesus, and He’s
the absolute greatest God imaginable. Literally if you were to sit down at a drawing
board and in your imagination tried to come up with the absolute greatest god
imaginable, my God is the God you would come up with. I call Him the God of the
biggest, the best, and the most!

Let me tell you about Him.

First of all, at a personal level the God of the Bible truly is the absolute greatest
being you can imagine.

The Bible teaches that He is eternal, without any beginning or end (Psalms 90:2).
In terms of life span, you cannot get any better than this.

It also teaches that He can create whole worlds, including our infinite universe,
simply by speaking (Psalm 33:6) and that He can also destroy them (2 Peter 3:10).
Think about this for a moment. The most power people have is the power to build
great cities and nations and the power to destroy life on the planet. To do this we
have to use a lot of hard work and technology. God however can do infinitely more
than this and He can do it just by speaking. Truly He possesses the greatest
amount of power imaginable.

The Bible also teaches that He is love (1 John 4:8). Love is universally recognised
as the greatest thing in life. God is not simply a loving God, He is love. He is the
living expression of life’s greatest thing, love. Truly you cannot be any greater than

The Bible also teaches that God is a God of truth who cannot lie (Psalm 31:5,
Titus 1:2). It also teaches that He knows everything, that He cannot commit evil,
and that He is perfect, righteous and holy (Psalm 147:5, James 1:13, Matthew 5:
48, 2 Chronicles 12:6, Psalm 99:9). Truly these are the characteristics of the
greatest being imaginable.

This is what I call a God who is the biggest, the best, and the most, the absolute
greatest God imaginable.

Second, in terms of His works, truly when the God of the Bible does things, He
does things in the greatest way possible, particularly in terms of eternity, literally
the biggest, the best, and the most.

For example, when He created the world, He created it good (Genesis 1:31). This
word “good” in the Bible doesn’t mean better than bad but not as good as great. It
has a much deeper meaning than that. Its meanings include excellent, upright,
honourable, pleasant, and moral. Truly when God created a world for us to live in,
He created a good world, one that was excellent including one that was very, very
beautiful, literally a paradise. Of course the earth today is far from a paradise, but
according to the Bible it is not because of the way God created it but rather it is
because of us human beings. We human beings are sinners and because of this
God has cursed the earth so that it now causes us hardship (Genesis 3:17-19).
Also because we are sinners we ourselves are destroying the planet in variety of
ways. However this is not how God originally created it, He created it to be good, in
fact literally to be a paradise.  

Also, when He created us human beings He created us to exist in the greatest
state possible, which is the state of existing in His own image (Genesis 1:27). Truly
a created being cannot exist in a greater state than to exist in the very image of
the God of the Bible, the greatest God imaginable, literally a God who is love. The
fullness of what this means we will not know until eternity, but one thing for sure is
it means that we are to be like Him (Genesis 1:26, 1 John 3:2), which at the very
least this means we are to be people with the character of God, people who are
perfect, righteous, holy, and loving. In the world today we human beings are far
from measuring up to this image, but that again is because we are sinners which
means we are a people who fall short of His glory (Romans 3:23) and don’t live
according to His ways, the essence of which is to love others as ourselves
(Romans 13:8-10). However this is not how God originally created us, He created
us to literally be like Himself.  

This is what I call a God who is the biggest, the best, and the most, the absolute
greatest God imaginable.

Third, in terms of His desire for mankind, He truly wants the biggest, the best, and
the most for us.

For example, the kind of life He wants us to have is an abundant life (John 10:10).
Among the meanings for the Greek word “perissos” that is translated “more
abundantly” in John 10:10 is the following:

  • Over and above
  • Exceeding abundantly
  • Supremely
  • Something further, more, much more than all
  • Superior
  • Extraordinary
  • Surpassing
  • Pre-eminence
  • Superiority
  • More eminent
  • More remarkable
  • More excellent

This is the kind of life God desires for all of us and it is truly the biggest, the best,
and the most.

Also, the Kingdom He has planned for us to live in throughout eternity is the best it
gets. According to the Bible God Himself will live with us in this Kingdom and we will
be His children, friends, and servants. It will be a world that is full of love, joy, and
peace, and it will have no suffering, death, or evil of any kind. It will even have
tremendous luxury, complete with streets made of gold (Revelation 21:3-4,21). He
even is planning on giving us each our own mansion in this Kingdom (John 14:2-3).

This is the heart of God for us, He is a God of the biggest, the best, and the most
who wants us to have the biggest, the best, and the most.

This is what I call a God who is the absolute greatest God imaginable.

Lastly, as the God of the biggest, the best, the most, He also naturally desires the
biggest, the best, and the most from us.

This means He wants us to live up to His image including being perfect, righteous,
and holy (Matthew 5:48, 25:46, 1 Peter 1:16). It also means He wants to be a
loving people. Specifically He wants us to love Himself wholeheartedly (Mark 12:
30). He also wants us to love Jesus more than our family including more than our
spouse and children (Matthew 10:37, Luke 14:26). It also means He wants us to
love our neighbours as ourselves (Mark 12:31). It even means He wants us to love
our enemies (Matthew 5:44). This is a high call, the highest of calls, and it is the
standard that the God of the Bible calls us to live our lives at, literally the biggest,
the best, and the most.

All of this is what I call a God who is the biggest, the best, and the most, the
absolute greatest God imaginable.

To my judgement it is truly impossible to imagine a greater God.

If this God is not your God, the only thing I have to say to you is this: My God is
better than your god!
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